A bad apartment can kill you
To release your full potential, you have to let go of everything that is holding you back. The method is simple but effective:
I come to your home and help you declutter your apartment.
Decluttering is a highly emotional process and something that many people struggle with. We have to ask ourselves:
Why is it so difficult to let go of things? What do we fear?
Facing this fear will lead to personal growth. The space you create will allow you to live in the moment and become the best version of yourself. It will start with your apartment, but what you’ll end up with is the essence: you.
To change your life, it is often easier to start with the exterior.
Holding on to things of the past won’t make you become the person you were a few years ago again. Holding on to "better days“ stops you from making the best of your today.
You might one day fit into those jeans from 2007 again. But the new you will have evolved in style and most probably will want to buy a new pair instead.
Discarding stuff doesn't cut down your opportunities but broadens them.
If you dislike a gift but keep it to keep your friends happy, you should rethink if your friend wouldn’t want you to feel your most comfortable.
If you only keep an item because it was expensive, let me tell you: Maintenance and space in your apartment mean passive spending. Every thing you keep costs.
Letting go takes courage. I am here to remind you: You can!
The world is your playground: It's good to not have everything at reach. Just set up the image in your mind of a couch potato surrounded by his remote control, magazines, and delivery food. Life is about moving and having to leave your apartment, you could come across a lot of things.
There is no difference between the outer and the inner you. If your personal space is untidy and a mess you are probably unbalanced and chaotic in life.
I live by one simple rule: Everything you do and everything you have should be sacred.
Less luxury more home.
"Minimalism is not a style; it is an attitude, a way of being.
It’s a fundamental reaction against noise, visual noise, disorder, vulgarity. Minimalism is the pursuit of the essence
of things, not the appearance. It is the persistent search for purity, the search for serenity, for silence as a presence, for the thickness of spaces, for space as immensity.
Minimalism is beyond time - it is timelessness, it is noble and simple materials, it is the stillness of perfection. It has to be the being itself, uncovered by useless crusts, not naked but completely defined by itself, by its being."